schwellE 7
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  Konzeptuelle Orgie
   Nächste Termine:
      Keine im Moment!!!
Gruppensex ist eine jener Phantasien die zwar sehr beliebt sind,
in der Ausführung aber nicht immer den Erwartungen entspricht.  
Fast jede/r wünscht sich die Orgie, aber natürlich nur mit den
„richtigen“ Partnern im „richtigen“ Moment. Da orgiastische Ekstase
schon mit nur einem Partner nicht jederzeit organisierbar ist, wird  
es bei mehreren Personen erst recht kompliziert: 1. weil die
Meinungen wer, wann und was „richtig“ ist  auseinander gehen
und sich 2. vor, während und auch noch nach der Orgie ändern
können. Die Orgie ist ein Cocktail aus Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen,
aus Ängsten und Hoffnungen, aus Lust und Widerwillen, aus angenehmen und weniger angenehmen Überraschungen: eine komplizierte Übung in Kommunikation.  Die Orgie ist ein Minenfeld, in dem alle Arten von Bomben vergraben sind: Eifersucht, Scham, Angst vor dem eigenen Geschlecht oder vor gesundheitlichen Risiken; Minderwertigkeitsgefühle, Verlustängste, Allmachtsfantasien und vieles andere mehr. Gerade die Explosivität der Orgie ist aber auch Teil ihres Reizes.
Der workshop arbeitet mit Elementen aus Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation  und Aufstellungsarbeit. Er beginnt mit Übungen zu Fremd- und Eigenwahrnehmung, zu Aufmerksamkeit, Präsenz und Authentizität. So wird ein Rahmen von Sensibilität, Vertrautheit und Empathie geschaffen. Interesse und Zuneigung, aber auch Vorbehalte und Abneigungen werden thematisiert um sicherzustellen daß klare Kommunikation herrscht und individuelle Grenzen gewahrt werden.
Interessenten für diesen workshop sollten  Bereitschaft zu Nacktheit und explizitem Körperkontakt, sowie SAFE SEX Utensilien mitbringen. Personen mit Berührungsängsten zum eigenen Geschlecht ist von der Teilnahme abzuraten, da in den Übungen stets mit beiden Geschlechtern interagiert wird. Da Geschlechterparität wünschenwert ist,  sollte jede/r TeilnehmerIn möglichst einen Partner, Freund oder Bekannten des anderen Geschlechts mitbringen.
Kosten / Fee; 15 EUR pro Person
Teilnahme nur mit Anmeldung!!! / Registration  is necessary!  
email:  INFO (A) FELIXRUCKERT.DE  oder TEL: 0173 - 6118404
Group sex is a fantasy that many people have. However, when it actually happens, it does not always correspond to our hopes and expectations. Many of us want to take part in an orgy, but naturally only with the right people and at the right time.
Ecstatic pleasure with one partner is difficult enough, with many people it becomes really quite complicated, 1. because not every agrees on who, what and when is right for it, 2. because all of that can change before, during or after the orgy. The orgy is cocktail of expectations and disappointments, of fears and hopes, of lust and reticence, of pleasant and less than pleasant surprises: a complicated exercise in communication. The orgy is a minefield, in which all kinds of bombs are buried: jealousy, shame, fear of one's own gender, health risks, feelings of inferiority, the fear of loss, fantasies of all powerfulness and much more. The very explosiveness of the orgy is in fact part of its attraction.
This workshop works with elements from Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation and Family Constellation. It begins with exercises about self-perception and perception of others, as well as attentiveness, presence and authenticity. In this way a space of sensitivity, trust and empathy is created. Interest and attraction, as well as reservation and aversion will be explored to establish clear communication and the protection of individual limits.
Those interested in participating in this workshop should be prepared for nudity and explicit body contact, and also willing to bring along what is necessary for safer sex. People who are fearful of contact with others of their own gender (or for that matter of the opposite gender) are not encouraged to take part, because in each exercise all genders will be interacting. Because gender parity for the workshop is desirable, we recommend that each participant brings with them a friend or partner of the opposite gender. Those who have disabilities or who wish to come alone are asked to make an application via email.
The conceptual orgy workshop has been developed by Felix Ruckert.
Felix Ruckert ist einer der unkonventionellsten europäischen Choreografen. Bevor er mit  stark konzeptuell geprägten Stücken wie HAUTNAH, RING, DELUXE JOY PILOT und SECRET SERVICE international bekannt wurde tanzte er u.a. mit Wanda Golonka/ VA Wölfl, Mathilde Monnier und Pina Bausch. Oft gibt Ruckert dem Zuschauer eine aktive Rolle in der Aufführung und konfrontiert ihn mit intensiven Emotionen. Für diese interaktiven Choreografien erfindet er spezielle Techniken zur physischen Kommunikation und Wahrnehmung und entwickelt diese zu einer Kunst der Berührung. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Improvisationsstrukturen und Kompositionstechniken.  Seit etwa 1999 beschäftigt er sich auch praktisch und theoretisch mit BDSM und integriert auch diese Erfahrungen in seine Arbeit. Seit März 2007 leitet er zusammen mit Dasniya Sommer die schwelle7 in Berlin-Wedding.
Felix Ruckert Throughout his work Felix Ruckert questions the perception of living performance, sometimes allowing the spectator to play an active role in the performance and confronting him/her with intense emotional feelings. This questioning inspired radical, experimental and controversial propositions that range from interactive experiences with the audience, to installations or to pieces of pure choreographic research. Felix Ruckert plays with the usual rules of a dance performance. He likes to address the audience members as individuals and to put them, most of the time, in other settings than frontal and sitting. He often borrows, transforms, transposes and brings the codes of other well-known human and social activities into performing spaces: the brothel in Hautnah (1995), the group ritual in Ring (1999), the slide show in Schwartz (1998), the visit in a gallery in Stillen (2000), the night-club in deluxe joy pilot (2000), the underground itineraries of sexuality in SECRET SERVICE (2002) the party in the Love Zoo (2004), the medical treatment in Placebo Behandlung (2005) and children‘s Role Playing in UNited Kingdom ( 2006). Strong concepts, well thought rules-of-the-game and elegant esthetics give a strong frame to the Felix Ruckert's shows, that allow an active artistic and emotional input from the performers, the musicians (music is mostly performed live) as well as a safe cocoon for the spectators reactions.


Group sex is a fantasy that many people have. However, when it actually happens, it does not always correspond to our hopes and expectations. Many of us want to take part in an orgy, but naturally only with the right people and at the right time.

Ecstatic pleasure with one partner is difficult enough, with many people it becomes really quite complicated, 1. because not every agrees on who, what and when is right for it, 2. because all of that can change before, during or after the orgy. The orgy is cocktail of expectations and disappointments, of fears and hopes, of lust and reticence, of pleasant and less than pleasant surprises: a complicated exercise in communication. The orgy is a minefield, in which all kinds of bombs are buried: jealousy, shame, fear of one's own gender, health risks, feelings of inferiority, the fear of loss, fantasies of all powerfulness and much more. The very explosiveness of the orgy is in fact part of its attraction.

This workshop works with elements from Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation and Family Constellation. It begins with exercises about self-perception and perception of others, as well as attentiveness, presence and authenticity. In this way a space of sensitivity, trust and empathy is created. Interest and attraction, as well as reservation and aversion will be explored to establish clear communication and the protection of individual limits.

Those interested in participating in this workshop should be prepared for nudity and explicit body contact, and also willing to bring along what is necessary for safer sex. People who are fearful of contact with others of their own gender (or for that matter of the opposite gender) are not encouraged to take part, because in each exercise all genders will be interacting. Because gender parity for the workshop is desirable, we recommend that each participant brings with them a friend or partner of the opposite gender. Those who have disabilities or who wish to come alone are asked to make an application via email.

The conceptual orgy workshop has been developed by Felix Ruckert. 

Felix Ruckert
Photo by Peter Hoenemann